Links and Downloads
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Here are some useful links.
Educa is a web-based portfolio of a child's growth and development at an early childhood centre. It allows parents and early childhood teachers to share a child's journey and gain valuable feedback. Educa is specifically designed for early childhood education centres, teachers and parents. It is built with recommendations from early childhood teachers and parents.
HomeBased Childcare Association
Ensures that the benefits of home-based education are understood and appreciated, to continually develop and promote our important profession and to advocate for and support our members.
HomeBased Childcare Association is the longest serving national association solely focused on the Home-based Early Childhood Education sector.
Work & Income New Zealand (WINZ) Childcare Subsidy
The WINZ Childcare Subsidy is a payment that helps families with the cost of pre-school childcare.
You may be eligible for a Childcare Subsidy if you are:
the main carer of a dependent child
a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
You should also normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here. It also depends on how much you and your spouse or partner earn.
The child must be:
under five years old (or under six years if you get a Child Disability Allowance for them)
attending an early childhood programme for three or more hours a week.
A Childcare Subsidy is normally paid for up to nine hours of childcare a week. In some situations you may be able to get up to 50 hours a week.
If you are claiming 20 hours Early Childhood Education you can’t get Childcare Subsidy for those hours.
Seedlings Education - Downloadable Forms
Click on the following buttons to download Seedlings forms